The CRA is focussed on recovering lost revenue in the real estate market. In particular, it is targeting home sales in Vancouver and Toronto. On…
Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP examines the fundamentals of tax policy in Canada in the second part of his featured article for Canadian Current Tax.
We are proud to announce that Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP has been selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2018 Edition of The Best Lawyers™ in Canada for his work…
Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP discusses the difference in tax law between the independent contractors rendering services and employees in service of their employers. The distinction between the two sources of income…
Please see the latest article by Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP, Auditor General’s report shows Taxpayer Bill of Rights is merely feel-good PR, published in…
The Source Doctrine is the Sauce for Confusion in Tax Law By Vern Krishna, CM, QC When it comes to taxation, Canadians investors…