
International Taxation of Business Profits

Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP examines the International Taxation of Business Profits in his featured article for Canadian Current Tax.  Below is an excerpt of the article:

The Fiscal Landscape: Tax Policy in Canada

Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP examines the fundamentals of tax policy in Canada in the second part of his featured article for Canadian Current Tax. 

The Fiscal Landscape: Part 1

Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP examines the nature and meaning of taxes, the constitutional authority to levy them, and the analytical framework of fiscal legislation, its…

Tax Planning for Business

Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP discusses tax planning for business at year-end in a featured article for Canadian Current Tax. 

Shareholder Liability for Corporate Tax

Vern Krishna discusses shareholder liability for corporate tax and special rules that apply in the case of non-arm’s length transfers of property in his recent article for Canadian…

Vern Krishna: Taxpayers must stand and wait to resolve their appeals

Please see the latest article, Taxpayers must stand and wait to resolve their appeals, by Vern Krishna of TaxChambers LLP published in the January 2017 Canadian Current Tax.

Vern Krishna: Deduction of Expenses for Tax Purposes, Canadian Current Tax

Please see Vern Krishna’s latest article, “Deduction of Expenses for Tax Purposes” in the October 2016 edition of Canadian Current Tax.

Vern Krishna: Dispute Resolution in Tax Law, Canadian Current Tax

Please see Professor Vern Krishna’s article, “Dispute Resolution in Tax Law”, in the September 2016 edition of Canadian Current Tax.